Sunday, November 22, 2009


Today after church we are leaving for Colorado to spend the week with Jason's family. We are super excited. The last time we took a family vacation, JJ was a brand new baby. If you do the math, it's been nearly 2 years since then!

In just a little bit, I'll be with the kids in KidzBlast to talk about how we can serve, give and be thankful. Jason will be with CLUB56 talking about the same thing. I'm excited to be able to share these things with our kids.

In a few short days, the fall decor will change to Christmas, and our focus will be on other things. I'm glad that this week at least, the focus is on being thankful. What am I most thankful for? My amazing family, health, our new place in the family at Bethel, friends...and most of all, Jesus.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jason Lee Peter, Jr.

I am working on making this blog more about updating parents on what is going on in our Children's Ministries here at Bethel, but there has been something stirring in my heart for the past few days, so...
Approximately 2 years ago right now I was pregnant. Very pregnant. The day the ultrasound revealed we were having
a boy (we already have 2 girls) after the little celebration in my heart, I immediately started dreaming about what his name would be. It didn't take me long to pick my name, the name I felt like my son was destined to have. His name would be Andrew Reese, (middle name after his Papa Peter, first name just cause I like it) and we would call him Drew. I was set on it. Then, Jason told me he wanted to name him Jason Jr. I couldn't believe it. I had so many misconceptions about "Juniors." I didn't want to name him that! I fought it and fought it. I loved the name I picked out, and I didn't want my little boy running around being called Junior! I wanted him to have his own identity, and his own name.

A couple of months later, with no prompting whatsoever, Madelyn starting bringing home a paper daily from school that she had drawn in "choice time" of her and her little brother, J.J. Seriously?? I couldn't believe it, but I kept the hope alive for my choice, Andrew Reese.

Then, one day I was laying down trying to nap, and I was praying about this whole name situation. I'm not sure exactly what I prayed that day, but I know I was confident that God would change Jason's mind and we would settle on my name of choice. However, that's not what happened. I laid my head back, closed my eyes, and God gave me a very vivid picture. I saw Jason walking, and behind him, a little boy that looked very much like him. He wasn't walking hand in hand, but behind him, copying Jason's every move. God whispered to me in that moment, "Aimee, this baby boy is going to adore his father. Don't you think he would love having his name?" Ugh! I knew in that moment, I had to lay my desires aside and choose the name my husband wanted for his son.

So, fast forward 2 years. We have a 22 month old son named Jason Jr. It hit me like a ton of bricks a few nights ago as I saw JJ copying Jason's every move that the picture I had seen 2 years ago was unfolding before my very eyes. Daddy was pretty close to JJ's first word. He looks just like him, and his personality is pretty much identical. He beats on everything like it is a drum, and loves music more than any other child I have ever seen. Every Sunday when Jason is on Worship Team, JJ runs upstairs and wants to go in the Worship Center and listen, and catch a glimpse of Daddy. No other name would have done him justice. I'm thankful for that picture that God gave me 2 years ago, and thankful that I surrendered my will even though it was hard. As for Andrew Reese....well, I'm sure it made a fine name for some other little boy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's all in how we perceive things

This morning I had a surprising conversation with our oldest, Madelyn. As I was brushing her hair in the bathroom, she told me "it stinks in here." Now, it didn't "stink" at all. It actually smelled great because I had just bought a new air freshener; some harvesty, fallish, thanksgiving type smelling stuff. I explained to her that it smelled great in there; like Fall. She then tells me the part that surprises me: "I HATE Fall. It's cold, it rains, it's dark before dinner, the leaves all fall off the trees and I you can't swim in the Fall. I hate it." I was floored. Mostly because lately I have been enjoying Fall so much! I love that it's getting colder, love that it's dark earlier, love the pretty leaves on the ground and frankly, love that I don't have to sit out by the pool in the baking hot sun anymore! So how can my precious daughter who is like me in so many ways have such stark difference in opinion about my most beloved season? Perception. I can see why a kid could dislike Fall; it takes away summer fun. She's not looking past that. Rather than seeing what Fall takes from us, I see that it ushers in Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the holiday blends at Starbucks.

We all know that a child's perception of things is so much different than our own. I had another conversation with Madelyn yesterday evening about attitude. We had a difference in perception over why I had to raise my voice to get her attention. She explained to me her side of things and we both agreed to be more aware of how we perceive the situation (in 8 year old language of course).

My point today? Kid's have perceptions and opinions of things and most of the time, they aren't wrong. They are just seeing things through their very childlike eyes. I like to talk through opinions and perceptions with my girls and the kids at church because it helps me to see how they view their world. It's then that we can open up the door to Godly conversation that helps shape their worldview.

I hope one day Madelyn loves Fall as much as I do. One day she may see the beauty in the falling leaves or love the crispness in the air. But if she doesn't that's okay too.