I can honestly tell you the reason why I didn't blog those days - I was enjoying my family! I had a great time this weekend. On Saturday we went and bought some vegetable plants and are making a first ever attempt at a Peter Family garden. Lots of weed pulling and planting later we have a cute little gardenish area that will hopefully produce some tasty produce! (In the event that Jason reads this, I must disclose that I did in fact pull weeds, but napped through the planting part.)
I digress...Mother's Day. There are 4 amazing women in my life that have taught me so much about being a Mother. First my Mom. Anytime I feel like I am having a hectic day, I think about my teenage years when most of the time we had 8 plus kids in the house, and my Mom seemingly effortlessly cared for all of us. And cared for us WELL. She loves her kids. Each and every one, even if they were just there for a season. There were times I was playing volleyball and in would come to the game, Mom pushing a stroller with a baby, carrying one toddler on her hip, with two more in tow. Then she would sit there through my game and cheer louder than any Mom there. Still to this day my Mom is my biggest cheerleader, no matter what I am doing.
Then, my two grandmothers. I have the privilege of having an incredible Christian heritage in my family. My two grandma's are two of the most Godly women I know. When they tell me they are praying for me every day, I know that they have called my name out to Jesus. I have so many wonderful memories of both of them from my childhood, and have learned so much from both of them.
The other mother who has impacted me greatly for the last 10 plus years is my Mother in Law. I am pretty sure that I have the best mother in law in the world. I just listen sometimes to women who are frustrated with their husband's moms and think "they would be jealous of MY mother in law." She is a Godly woman who leads by example. I have never seen her waver in her faith. I am so thankful.
There are so many Mom's that have impacted my life. They come from very different places in my very random life. My sister in law, Jennie...who loves her kids more than anyone I have every known, but more than that, she shows them constantly that love. The first pastor's wife we worked with, Mary Anderson...because she was a living example of loving her husband, the kids and the church, and in the right order. My best friend from my teenage years, Jennifer Unruh, because even though we keep touch through Facebook, a rare phone call, or text...I can tell that she is the funnest Mom in the world. From our church I admire SueAnn Dale, because she has amazing kids, and we all know where amazing kids come from...amazing moms.
I love being a Mom. But I my ability to mother my kids, like so many other things in my life, has been shaped by these women above and so many more. So, Happy Belated Mothers Day to all of my friends.