Yesterday, we arrived back home after "swapping" our kids with my mother-in-law. We don't live 30 minutes from them, in fact we live 16 hours from them. So, rather than drive 15 minutes to a JCPenny parking lot, we drove 8 hours to a hotel and spent the night together. Yesterday morning we transferred carseats and luggage, and I said goodbye to my 3 kiddos for 2 weeks of fun, just Nana, Aunt Candice, Aunt Amber and the kids. I would be lying if I didn't say that I was sad, especially to see my 2 year old go without me. When we arrived home, the silence was deafening. This morning when I woke up, I missed JJ's feet in my face, and I jumped to turn off the alarm clock so it wouldn't wake him...but he wasn't there. In short, I already miss them. But all I have to do is think back to those wonderful summers. Orange soda still reminds me of swimming at a public pool because that's what we drank when Grandma took us swimming. The smell and sound of wood being cut on a jigsaw reminds me of my Grandpa because he let us cut out our creations on one. When I see Black Cherry ice cream in the store it reminds me of hot summer nights in Turlock, CA. After I think of those things, I realize that my kids are making their own memories with their Nana. When they are in their 20's and 30's they will sit around and talk about those times just like I do with my brothers. How Josh got his first stitches, how I almost drowned but Grandma saved me, the hours and hours and hours of playing at "bee" park.
It will surely be a long 2 weeks. Then Jason and I get to pack up, and go spend a little over a week with them at Nana's before we come home. I miss the girls talking, I miss JJ's sticky kisses, but I am thankful for the memories being made right now.