So, I am well versed in Phineas & Ferb, Barbie & the 3 Musketeers, and most recently, Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
It just so happens, that a couple of weeks ago on a whim, Jason and I rented Diary of a Wimpy Kid to watch on a Friday night with the kids. We knew Maddie had read the books, but we just weren't sure if they would be into the movie. Well, they were. Big time! This movie is hilarious, and will take anyone back to the awkward middle school years in a flash. The funniest part of the whole movie to us, was the whole "Cheese Touch" thing. (Go watch it if you haven't seen it).
So yesterday, Madelyn and Elyse tell me after school that there is a real, live, Cheese Touch at Abraham Lincoln Elementary. Maddie says to me with HUGE eyes "Mommy! There is a piece of white cheese on the blacktop at school, and somebody touched it and now there is a cheese touch at OUR school!"
Okay, so maybe this is not a blog-worthy subject, but I find it hilarious. Because last night at church, the other kids at church that go to Abraham Lincoln already knew about the cheese touch. They were dying to find out if it would be there the next day, and who would be inflicted with the dreaded "touch." So funny.