Monday, June 20, 2011

Teaching our Kids about Temptation

This weekend, Jason and I finally got around to watching Chronicles of Narnia, Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Obviously the themes in the Chronicles books and movies go way beyond entertainment; but I thought that the theme in this last movie was so obvious and compelling. Throughout the movie, there is a green mist, or fog that represents temptation for the characters to do something - seek beauty, fame, fortune...things that we all can relate to. It has caused me to think the last couple of days since I watched it - How does that apply to me, and how can I help my kids apply this?

My thought was, how often we discipline our kids for things that they have done as a result of a poor decision, or disobedience. This led to my next thought: If we took a little bit more time to teach our kids about what temptation actually looked like - would they be able to make better decisions, and turn from that kind of behavior? We all know our pal Jiminy Cricket, and have taught our kids about how we all have a conscience, but do we really teach them that they WILL be tempted, and how we can turn from that temptation? It could be anything - temptation to lie, steal, outright disobey....we often punish the behavior without going back to the root where it started - with temptation.

I know I am more motivated to talk these things out with my kids, and remind them that there is always that little window of opportunity to walk away from temptation and make the right choice.

Pastor Frank's message yesterday put an exclamation point on all of these thoughts - check it out at

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This Sunday in Kid's Church

We've been learning about Joshua in Kid's Church for the past several weeks, and this Sunday we'll be tackling the story of Jericho. As I have been reading through the story in Joshua 6, I was reminded that too often we settle with just telling the kids the story. I'm sure most of our kids can regurgitate the story of Jericho. I'm also sure that the story was meant for so much more than "Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho....Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, and the walls came tumbling down..." There is so much more to this story!

This week in Kid's Church, I'll be telling the kids about Jericho, but then going a bit deeper so that they can learn and understand WHY God told us this story in His Word. A couple of those truths are...*"I can trust God's instructions!" and "Even when it doesn't make sense, I can trust God completely."

I pray that Sunday our Kid's walk away with a new perspective on this commonly taught story. We will probably make a lot of noise in the process!

*I use an awesome curriculum, High Voltage -

Monday, June 6, 2011

For the Mamas

Sometimes when life is busy, you have to be really intentional about slowing it down. The last 3 months are so have probably been some of the most stressful I have experienced. I'm not one to use the word "stress" flippantly, because I am able to handle quite a bit in life without getting "stressed out." One thing I have discovered lately though, is working full time with an infant opens me up to empathize with a whole new crop of people; namely, working moms. Of course I have been a full time working mom for a couple of years, but throwing a newborn into the mix is a whole new ball of wax!

I am very passionate about my "job." I put the work job in quotation marks because I still can hardly believe I get paid to do what I have aspired to do all my life; and that is be in full time ministry! However, lately, I can easily skip over the little things in life because I can easily measure success by if the kids are fed, bathed, clothed...if my to-do list at church is checked off, if the bill are paid, and if I can do all of this having slept at least 5 hours.

Last night I made the decision to not put Norah in the nursery. After a busy day of ministry, I decided to hold her during Worship. After Worship I took her out to feed her, then instead of checking her into the Nursery, intentionally held her in the foyer while Pastor Frank wrapped up his sermon. While I sat on the couch out there, I talked to Norah and got some big smiles. She gave me a couple of little coos, as if she was engaging me in conversation. That little bit of alone time with her was something I stopped and consciously chose to do, and am so glad I did: It refreshed my mama's heart.

I know that most of you Mom's, if you work, have much different jobs than I do. Or maybe you stay at home with your kids. Either way, you are busy. Remember to let yourself stop and catch your breath, and enjoy the things around you. Even if the thing you stop to enjoy is the very thing that keeps you super busy!