Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Days Zooming By

About 6 weeks ago, our 2 year old, JJ barely uttered a word. He just didn't talk. He could get his point across pretty easily through hand motions and grunting and signing a few words, but he just refused as we tried to teach him words. Now, just a few weeks later, he is almost putting together whole sentences. We have been parents now for 8 1/2 years, and sometimes I can't believe so many years have gone by. I am really fascinated by how quickly kids grow and change. A few short weeks ago, as I put JJ to bed, I said "I love you JJ." He smiled and answered, "yeah." Last night, as I tucked him in, I said, "I love you JJ." He smiled, thought for a second and said, "I love you....(thinking)...too much!" I'm pretty sure he meant, "so much" because he has said it before, but I'll take too much!

All of these fascinations make me love the normal, ordinary days. I had been thinking about this just this morning, and when I got to the office, one of the bloggers I follow, Jonathan Cliff, had blogged about this very thing. He posted a link to a video (mom's beware, you will cry...) that sums up the gift of ordinary days, and about savoring them. You can find it here -http://www.strategicdads.com/blog - go down to the video "The Gift of an Ordinary Day"

I remember around 11 months, I couldn't wait for my kids to walk. Then one day it became normal. I remember wishing that Madelyn could read the "big words" in her books one day on her own, and now it seems like there is nothing she can't read. Same with JJ's talking - it's almost hard to remember those days just a few weeks ago that we couldn't beg a word out of him. Time just goes by so fast. Cherish the normal, ordinary days. The days when you get to play video games or watch movies and read books with your kids. The walks, the trips to Sonic. Soon, too soon, those moments will be gone.

1 comment:

  1. That was a beautiful video. So very true and I feel that way with Mary so much. I just love all the little momemts I have with her and so enjoy seeing the little person that she is becoming!
