I can't believe I have waited until December 16th to write about one of my most favorite parts of the Christmas Season...finding and decorating the Christmas tree. I really didn't know what an "artificial" tree was until I was older and noticed them in other peoples homes. I can't be 100% accurate on this fact, but I'm pretty sure an artificial tree has never graced my parent's home. Since I was little, we would go cut down our tree, strap in on the roof of the station wagon (Christmas Vacation Style), and go home to decorate it.
My Mom would bake a batch of cookies, set out all of the ornaments on the couch, my Dad would get the lights out and put them on, and put on a Christmas album while we decorated. We all grab our own personalized ornaments, or things that we have made in the past. Josh and I had an ongoing argument about one particular ornament - deciding who made it. I distinctly remembered making it in Mrs. Lockwood's 4th grade class, but Josh somehow remembered making it too, so on and on our argument would go until someone gave in.
We all have our favorite ornaments. Some of mine are ones my Grandma Salazar made for me with my name on them, some from teachers growing up, and some just attached to really great memories. When I got married and moved out, my Mom picked out a few of my ornaments to send with me to put on my own tree.
I broke with the fresh tree tradition my first year of marriage, because Jason and I were still in college, and, well...broke. We had a hand me down tree from Jason's parents and used that for several years. It became normal for us. Then this year we decided to get a permit and go up and cut down our own tree. It was a great day as we hiked through knee deep snow to pick out the perfect tree. We brought it home, I made cookies, set the ornaments out on the couch, Jason got out the lights and put them on, and put on a Christmas album. And, my kids fought over which ornaments they had made as we decorated our tree.
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