I'm at a new church, with new kids, new ministries, and new parents. I have been thinking about what direction I want this blog to go in...for now, I'm just going to use it to talk about what is going on at Albany First, and of course throw in an experience from my family here and there. So, you ask, how is that different? It's not. Not at all actually. This is just my commitment to be a better blogger, or at least to actually blog. What a concept, huh?
If you are an Albany First parent, or just attend here and like to follow what's going on, I'll be talking a lot about what I feel God is telling me about where we are going to take our kids over the next months and years. I am so excited for what he is going to do in and through our kids!
And to my lovely family (grandma, aunts, cousins, etc) who follow just because you love me...I'll try to keep it interesting!
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