Thursday, January 5, 2012


I stopped making New Year's resolutions a long time ago.  The reason is simply because I could never manage to follow through.  This is odd for me, because I am a fairly driven, goal oriented person.  I would make a goal to lose the last 15 lbs of baby weight, or read the Bible through this year...typical resolutions, but I couldn't for the life of me follow through.

A couple of years ago, I decided that if I could tackle a couple of manageable goals; not even really huge things, just small goals that might make a big difference in my every day life - I would feel more success than if I resolved to run a 5K or learn to play the guitar.

The year 2011 can probably best be described in one word for me: overwhelmed.  On April 1st I gave birth to my 4th child.  On April 13th my family and I moved to a new town, and Jason and I started new jobs on staff at Albany First Assembly.  On May 17th (my official first day in the office after maternity leave) I began the long process of rebuilding a Children's Ministry.  Lots of things were lost in that process...a clean house, time with my oldest three kids, the feeling of calm.

So, to make 2012 the year of Productivity, Contentment, Family Time, & Ministry Wins, I decided to choose some small measurable goals to help me stop "treading water" and rise above that feeling. Here are examples of 3 goals that I have made this year.  They are no brainers.  They are things most of you probably already do.  But for me, they are already affecting the way I feel -

1.  Make the bed every day.  Sometime (probably around kid #3) I stopped doing this.  It is amazing how fulfilling it is to walk into my room to a made up bed.

2.  Go to bed with a clean kitchen and clutter free living room.  I know, I probably think my family and I have lived in filth this past 9 months.  It's not as bad as it sounds.  But I did choose sleep over cleanliness sometimes.  Already, 4 days into this, I feel a sense of calm when I wake up, not agitation.

3.  My iPhone sits on the counter after 5pm.  No checking Facebook or Twitter or the other apps that rob my family of my time.

These are just 3 small goals (among others) that I have made for myself.  After a few weeks they will turn into habits, and I will be well on my way to feeling less overwhelmed.  Make this year BETTER than the last!

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