For the month of January, our virtue is Self Control. Now as a parent, I am very excited that my two girls are learning this virtue. I don't know about you, but the way our kids react in tough situations is a BIG deal to me. Of course I am thinking ahead to when they are teenagers, and need to recall the things they've learned when in a tough spot....but let's simplify it a little bit. One of my kids, who will remain unnamed, has the tendency to react in a way that is not so appropriate when he/she is faced with a less than favorable situation. I feel such an urgency right now to teach this child of mine the value of responding appropriately. For instance; when something is desired (such as candy, time on the Wii, a sleepover with a friend) and not given, obviously the inappropriate reaction is any of these: screaming, stomping, crying, dirty looks, etc.
Here's the thing: as parents, Jason and I punish that kind of behavior. But WHAT IF this certain child of ours learned the virtue of self control? And by learn, I mean - get down deep in their heart and weave itself into the fabric of their character? It would preempt this behavior because they would be able to control themselves.
Our bottom line yesterday was "pause before you lose your temper." Sounds easy enough, right? Well, for some kids, it's not. So we spent the entire hour talking about this, and prayerfully, turning this head knowledge into heart knowledge for these kids. Thankfully, we have three more weeks on this virtue. My prayer is that at the end of January, our AFA Kids are applying these principles to their everyday lives. It might just make your lives as parents more peaceful!
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