Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Cheese Touch

Getting into what my kids are into is one of my biggest priorities. Madelyn (our oldest) will rattle of detail after detail after detail about the books she is reading, or the newest toy she saw on TV. Sometimes I can catch myself getting annoyed because she will talk for 10 minutes, taking me step by step through her latest favorite DS game.

So, I am well versed in Phineas & Ferb, Barbie & the 3 Musketeers, and most recently, Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

It just so happens, that a couple of weeks ago on a whim, Jason and I rented Diary of a Wimpy Kid to watch on a Friday night with the kids. We knew Maddie had read the books, but we just weren't sure if they would be into the movie. Well, they were. Big time! This movie is hilarious, and will take anyone back to the awkward middle school years in a flash. The funniest part of the whole movie to us, was the whole "Cheese Touch" thing. (Go watch it if you haven't seen it).

So yesterday, Madelyn and Elyse tell me after school that there is a real, live, Cheese Touch at Abraham Lincoln Elementary. Maddie says to me with HUGE eyes "Mommy! There is a piece of white cheese on the blacktop at school, and somebody touched it and now there is a cheese touch at OUR school!"

Okay, so maybe this is not a blog-worthy subject, but I find it hilarious. Because last night at church, the other kids at church that go to Abraham Lincoln already knew about the cheese touch. They were dying to find out if it would be there the next day, and who would be inflicted with the dreaded "touch." So funny.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The "New"

There is a lot of "new" happening. I have talked with a few parents lately that are experiencing new schedules, new schools, new teachers...the transition from elementary school to middle school, from middle school to high school. Or just like our kids - a new school because we moved into new school boundaries a few months ago.

Well, here's more "new" for ya! Sunday, we will be moving our sweet little Kindergartners out of Promiseland down to KidzBlast. This will be a big move for them. Exciting though! Then, I will sadly lose our 6th graders to our awesome new middle school ministry SHIFT_MS. Sad for me, only because I am promoting some completely amazing kids.

Last, we are launching a new opportunity for our 5th graders to be leaders in KidzBlast. Previously we have separated them with the 6th graders into a class for Pre-teens. Now, not only will we target them through all of the cool stuff we already do in KidzBlast, we will use them as a "Timothy Team" - a team of kids that will help with check in, sound, worship, skits, and just overall being there to serve. I was able to talk to these kids last Sunday about their new role in KidzBlast, and the response was awesome! They were so excited - I know God is going to use them in really cool ways this school year.

Everything is launching new this week - We kicked off Royal Rangers and Girls Club last night, as well as classes for our little ones. Junior Bible Quiz gets it's start this Sunday, and Children's Choir is about to start again too. I love the summer...LOVE IT. But right around the end of August, I'm all pumped up for what God is going to do in and through our kids during the Fall months. Let's embrace the "new" and see what God does!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Life Journaling

Pastor Tim has been preaching a series, entitled "Hungry? Feed Yourself." It's more than a sermon series though, it is a way of life. Obviously, we aren't talking about physical hunger. Pastor introduced us to a book several weeks ago called "The Divine Mentor" by Wayne Cordeiro. While this book teaches much, the part we are emphasizing to our congregation is a method of personal devotions. In this method, you have a Life Journal (NOT a diary!), and a reading plan. Then from there, you read the plan each day (or any other plan that you may currently be following), then you S.O.A.P. SOAP is just an acronym.

S. - Scripture
O.- Observation
A. - Application
P. - Prayer

In your Life Journal, you write down your Scripture, make an observation about it, write how it applies, then your prayer. I usually journal about a page in my journal, sometimes spilling over to two.

It doesn't take long, and the rewards are huge. First of all, just being in God's Word daily is such a benefit. Secondly, it is so great to know that I am reading along with dozens and dozens of people from my church family, the same passages.

The Word of God is our spiritual food. Without it, we literally starve ourselves. Pastor Tim said Sunday in his message, that if Sunday is the only spiritual meal you are getting each week, you are starving! Imagine just eating food once a week. This seems ridiculous to most of us, but so many of us are starving ourselves spiritually.

It has been challenging to dive into this new method of devotions, because it has pushed me a little bit. I have gotten so much out of it. Parents, they even make Life Journals for your kids! It has a simplified reading plan, and place for them to journal their SOAP. So many of the Bethel Family are already doing this; I just wanted to encourage everyone to get on board. It will make a difference in your life!