Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oh, The Places You'll Go!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go...
Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss

How true, isn't it? The other day, I dropped my girls off at school. I was stuck in that seemingly never ending line of cars, and before I drove away onto the next destination I watched them walk up the path towards their classroom. And suddenly they looked so BIG to me.

If you listen to me talk, or read my blogs, or follow me on twitter - you may get bored of me saying this. Parents, we impact every breath of our kids lives. I watch how my kids have developed. Of course they have unique personalities (this is by no means a debate on nature vs. nurture!) but I see the patterns and qualities that have risen out of hours and hours of spending time with Mommy and Daddy. Like the way Madelyn grunts when she is frustrated (yes, I do that). They way that JJ teases his sisters already (that one is all Jason). They have been impacted by us, and watched everything we do. The impact is also evident when Elyse prays, or in how all three kids are super excited for church every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.

I am continually reminded of what Moses said in Deuteronomy 6 - "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise..."

Most of your are already doing this, but I want challenge you to be even more committed in your efforts to "...teach them diligently to your children..." as Moses commands. Our kids grow and change seemingly overnight sometimes. There are so many teachable moments in our lives - use them to teach your kids God principles that will become part of their spiritual DNA.
I don't want to drop my girls off at middle school in a few years and regret that I didn't put Deuteronomy 6 in to practice years earlier. Soon my kids will make decisions on their own without the help of Mom and Dad. The impact I make now will determine their choices then.

I'm pretty sure I got honked at while I held up the line watching my two cute girls walk to class. Oh well - it was worth it to remind me of the challenge that lays daily before me.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

This Weekend

This weekend is one of those weekends that you look at coming into it and wonder how alert you will be on Monday morning. Or better yet, if you will have any clean clothes to wear to work since you didn't have any time to do the laundry!

Tonight we have Children's Choir. We are getting close to our first ministry opportunity in "big church." The kids are sounding great, and I can't wait to show them off to our congregation on April 11th.

Tomorrow we are leaving for our last away Junior Bible Quiz tournament of the season. (The last one next month is at OUR church, whew.) I have the pleasure of joining 12 quizzers and their parents in Salem for a day of quizzing on Saturday. These meets excite me because I get to sit back and listen to the kids' hours of studying pay off. They answer questions that quite honestly, most adults wouldn't be able to answer. They win graciously, lose graciously and have fun doing it. I have been so proud of this team this year. As Jason would say, Rock the Q!

On Sunday morning I am excited to see what God is going to do in the hearts and lives of kids in each of our groups. There are so many amazing people that serve each week, with new volunteers coming on board all the time. It's going to be a great day!

After church on Sunday, I will be heading over to Central Neighborhood Church to attend a meeting for Royal Family Kids Camp - a camp we help put on the last week of July every year that is especially for abused and neglected kids - most of whom are in the "system." If you are on the fence about going to Royal Family this summer to be a counselor, come to the meeting, have lunch and learn more. (It's at 1:00pm)

Sunday evening we have Connection Groups. I love this time because I get to sit and talk with people that I may not see from week to week as I am involved kid's services most of the time. I get to participate in great discussion about a sermon that most weeks I was not present to hear, but it's great conversation nonetheless. I love my Connection Group.

Just a little update. I hope your weekend is fabulous!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Dad

This is going to sound like part 2 in the "men of my life birthday tribute" but I assure you it's merely coincidence that the last blog I posted was about Jason's birthday.

Today is my Dad's birthday. I, like so many other doting daughters LOVE my Dad. I have the pleasure of being one of the few daughters that has followed in their father's footsteps in regards to a career. I grew up a Pastor's kid, and truthfully, had a really really good childhood. My parents handled their ministry and family with such wisdom and grace. Looking back, now that I am in full time ministry myself, I see how I was mentored by my Dad in these areas. He had some rough times in ministry while I still lived at home (and long after I moved out); I watched my parents both walk through some difficult times. But I also saw them handle these difficulties with such dignity. There were also wonderful times of ministry - too many to count, I imagine. The fruit of those wonderful times is spelled out all over his Facebook Wall today with birthday wishes from people touched by his ministry.

One gift that my Dad has given me over the years (with help from Mom, of course) is an unyielding support that has given me loads of self confidence. There was a time in high school when I was playing varsity volleyball, in a show choir, and in a couple of orchestras. At the time, you couldn't have convinced my Dad that there was a better setter, alto, or flautist in the world. I'm sure deep down he knew the truth (that a 5' setter wouldn't go much further than college, that my flute skills were limited, and that my alto voice blends nicely in a choir, but that's about it!), but I didn't know that then. His support continued as I graduated high school, went on to Bible college, got married, and entered ministry. I enjoy talking to my Dad about ministry - bouncing ideas off of him, sharing victories with him, and frustrations as well. He is talented, gifted, analytical, intellectual, hard working, loving and the wisest man I know.

I know everyone who knows my Dad knows he is a one of a kind guy. Special. My Mom tells me sometimes that I am "just like your father." I love it when she says that! (Even though most of the time when she says it, she's annoyed with me :) I'm going to get in trouble for saying that!)

So Happy Birthday Dad. I love you. I am extremely thankful for you. For your example, your wisdom and your love for our huge, crazy family. I pray that this year exciting things happen.