Monday, October 10, 2011

It's all about how you teach it!

In Clubhouse Live! (formerly elementary Kid's Church) we have had our fair share of struggles to get kids to pay attention.  It's that way everywhere, but it has been a larger than normal task for me as I have come to this church with new kids.  We're still learning about each other, and through various methods, I have been able to teach respect for God's Word, Worship, and Prayer.  Again, still getting there, but it's a marathon, not a sprint.

One way that most kids, (and especially my kids at AFA) love to hear the Bible Story told is through interactive skits.  Yesterday we used some kids as part of our story to tell about baby Moses.  The Bottom Line for the day was "Use Your Imagination to Think BIG!" The idea was that Moses' Mom, and his big sis Miriam thought BIG to come up with a solution to the problem of Pharaoh's decree that all baby boys would be killed.

Enter 5 student volunteers, and one willing Intern, and we had a great object lesson:
Somewhere under our intern, Cameron, is a laundry basket he was sitting "in."  :D  The green on his head are "reeds by the water" that our volunteer, Corbin, decided to put on Moses' head, rather than wave them by the water (whatever works!).

Last week, I taught a little differently.  I had some slides that we never used because we had technical difficulties all brought on by the fact that it was our first day in a new room with old equipment.  So what the kids ended up seeing was Pastor Aimee talking with no visuals, trying to make the Creation story sound really interesting.  What did I get?  A bunch of wiggly kids trying their best to focus, but not quite holding it together.

But yesterday, I had props, I used volunteers, and lots of humor and we ended up with an awesome story that drove home the bottom line beautifully.

It truly is a no-brainer, but a really good reminder to me that it's all about how you teach it!

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