Thursday, May 24, 2012

10 Reasons Why Your Kids Need to Come to Discovery Club

Hey AFA parents.  I have noticed a trend at our Wednesday night program, Discovery Club.  Last night, about 1/2 of all the kids were kids who do not attend our Sunday services.  While I looked around and thought it was pretty awesome that several of those kids are unchurched friends of our AFA kids, I realized that there is a trend that works both ways...we have lots of kids that attend Sunday that don't attend Wednesday and vice versa.

Discovery Club is a program that is designed to reinforce the Biblical truths we teach on Sundays, while taking time to teach the kids on hobby or skill a month.  There is ample time each night for relationship building, snacks and just plain fun.

Today I thought I would give those of you whose kids come Sundays but don't come on Wednesdays, 10 Reasons Why Your Kids Need to Come to Discovery Club.  Here they are in no particular order.

1) It will free you up to attend one of several classes offered to help you grow in your relationship with Christ.

2) Your kids will make tons of new relationships with other kids.

3) Your kids will connect with other adults who are genuinely invested in your child's spiritual development.

4) Your kids will learn new hobbies and skills each month that they may not otherwise be exposed to.

5)  Wednesday nights build a bridge between Sunday and Sunday.  We review key verses & main points, and retell the Bible stories in new, creative ways.

6) We emphasize FUN.  The games are crazier, the music is louder & the atmosphere more relaxed than Sunday.  This makes Wednesdays super appealing to bring friends to.

7) We keep track of things like wearing their DC shirt, bringing offering & friends, and even if they bring their Bible.  This helps them earn points they can spend each month on fun prizes.

8) Discovery Club is way more fun & meaningful to your child's development than sports are (Ouch.  Did I step on your toes?  No offense intended, I promise).

9) Your child will grow spiritually.

10) Discovery Club serves as a program that branches into other events, like our upcoming Family Grand Prix (more info soon) and our annual Camp In & Sleepover.

So what do you think? If you don't already attend regularly, please consider doing so.  I would love to see your kids each Wednesday at Discovery Club!

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