Wednesday, May 23, 2012

5 Months In

We are all five months in to a new year.  About this time, I start to feel like "new" is not really an adjective that I can associate with a year...after all, it's almost half over, right?

I took a quick look this week at how I am doing with my personal goals for the year.  I purposely only set two big goals - the others where small, but very measurable.  I am doing well with those.

My big goals though...well, I classify them as big because while they are measurable, they are harder for me to accomplish.  Here they are:

1.  Run a 5K this year.
Now, when I say run a 5K, I don't mean choose a race to enter, run it, and sit back with satisfaction at what I have accomplished.  My goal here was physical fitness, and to consistently run over 3 miles 2-3 times a week.  I won't rule out actually entering and running a race, but I want this to be more than just an end goal.  Make sense?  So how am I doing?  I would give myself a 3 on a scale of 1-5.  I run, on average 3 times a week.  I haven't made it up to my distance goal yet, but running is much easier than it was 3 months ago.

2.  Re-vamp my blog and post 2-3 posts a week.
Obviously this is just now happening.  The 2-3 times a week thing is still something I have to work towards, but I have spent time this week re-doing the look of everything, adding some info, giving direction and purpose to my blog. I hope you'll come back often to see what's up around here.

So how are you doing with the goals you set for yourself in 2012?

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