Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I heard recently that of all of the Baby Boomer generation, 40% are aware of God, believe in Him, or have knowledge of Him. If our current generation, the one that I have the privilege of pastoring, keeps walking the path that they are, only 4% will know God. Startling. The same day I heard this statistic, I was reminded that this fact is directly tied to my obedience. I need (as do all of us) to be more aware that I am responsible to rise them up into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and disciple them to be passionate Christ Followers. Pastor Tim said it best Sunday - we want our kids to "love God more than anything!" More than X-Box, Hannah Montana, PS3, Internet, and on and on. We are in a difficult battle today - I imagine even more difficult than ever. Let's be obedient to God's call and rise up and meet the challenge of increasing that 4%! How?
  • Pray for them
  • Pray WITH them
  • Hold them accountable (their time, friends, choices)
  • Make church an important part of your families DNA
  • Cut back on extra curricular activities that cut into church time
God is our partner in this pursuit; He will bless our obedience in this area. Let's do this!

1 comment:

  1. I agree whole heartedly! What a shocking statistic of only 4%. I knew it was bad but not that bad. Thank you for sharing!
