Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year, A New Bible Reading Plan

I am so pleased by how well our kids and families responded to our Bible Reading Plan for the year 2010. Last year at this time, we introduced a plan that would have every participant reading through the entire New Testament in a year. Dozens started, many stayed on track, and some finished.

The reality of parenting kids, teaching kids, and even pastoring kids is that they need incentives to get things done. That's why we give monetary allowances, trips to Dairy Queen, and use sticker charts. We know as adults that it's a million times easier to get our kids to follow through if we give them something to strive for.

I launched the plan by telling the kids that they could bring back their plans signed by Mom or Dad every other month for a prize. This ranged from things like a Subway Kids Pack, to a bag of fireworks near the 4th of July. Those prizes were just the beginning though, because this Sunday, January 9th I will be taking several kids to lunch in a limo.

To get kids to complete a goal is always satisfying, and I'm thankful for the parents who helped their children follow through. The most valuable thing here, however is the fact that all of these kids, whether they read part or all of the New Testament, spent time in the Word of God.

For the year 2011, we are taking a different approach. We are using a different plan, that will have kids reading all over the Bible. The amount they read will depend on their age, and if Mom and Dad are following the Life Journal reading plan available at Bethel (Wayne Cordeiro) Parents and Kids will be reading in sync with one another. Yes, there will be prizes, and yes, I will continue to remind kids of that fact. But more than that, I am looking forward to getting even more kids excited about reading the Word of God everyday.

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