Monday, January 17, 2011

The Read & Share Bible

Recently, Thomas Nelson publishers sent me a Bible to review - and one to give away. At the end of this post I will tell you how you can enter to the extra copy, so stay with me!

I love Bibles that get younger kids excited about reading God's Word. Admittedly, JJ (our three year old) carries around a Bible that was sort of "cast off" by one of the girls when they got a new Bible last Christmas. It is big, bulky, and nothing that I would sit and read to a three year old for any extended period of time. The Read and Share Bible is something totally different though, because it is written for little ones. It takes 200 of the best loved Bible stories, and the author, Gwen Ellis has retold these stories in a way that will captivate young hearts and minds.

It groups these stories in categories such as "Abraham's Family," "David," "Jonah," and "Jesus' Life." There are 37 of these groupings, covering the entire Bible, highlighting stories that are easy for little ones to understand and remember.

This Bible is colorfully illustrated, helping preschoolers make that connection has they hear the story and see the pictures unfold.

As a Children's Pastor, it is so important to me that children understand the importance of God's Word in their daily lives. It is never too early to introduce these stories to your kids, and tools like the Read and Share Bible are a perfect way to get your youngest Christ Followers in the Bible daily.

If you would like more information on the Read and Share Bible, go to here. You will find an excerpt of this Bible on the Read and Share tab.

Okay, so whether you have a little one in your life you can share this Bible with, or you just like to win free is how you can win a free copy of the Read and Share Bible. Leave a comment on this post and tell me what your favorite Bible Story is. If you are reading this on Facebook go here to leave a comment. You can also enter yourself by Tweeting about this post. If you don't have a twitter account, maybe today is the day to start one! You can leave as many comments as you would like as long as you are telling me about a different Bible Story you love each time, and Tweet once a day. On Friday (January 21st) at Noon, I will put these names into a "virtual" hat and pick a winner. Go for it!


  1. I would love to win the Bible for Mary. My favorite Bible story in the story of Ruth and Boaz.

  2. Caitlyn loves to read about Samuel as that is who we named our Sam after. Joel and I have been looking for a childrens bible for her but haven't found a really great one so if we won, it'd be Caitlyns first bible.
