Tuesday, February 2, 2010

These three things...

Three different times in the last 24 hours I have learned of a little life that is struggling. One through a blog; a friend of a fellow Children's Pastor. One through television and one through a prayer request this morning. It has caused me to pause and be thankful for my three healthy, vibrant, happy kids. Three little lives ranging from just a few days old, to just a few months old - hanging in the balance, fighting for life.

On Monday, I started a blog post about two year olds. I was furiously typing away, talking about all of the quirky qualities that many two year olds possess (namely the ones my son possesses), and recounting my experiences with the two and three year old class that I taught on Sunday. I was intent on recommending a book to help keep your sanity during these busy mom moments. I didn't have time to finish it that day, and I'm glad I didn't. The reason why? While I humorously complained about how JJ put his snack in the dog's bowl and ate out of it, put pennies in the dishwasher, or used a half a bottle of soap to wash his hands - thousands of other families are wishing that their little ones could just make it out of the hospital, or worse - just make it.

It made me think of the times lately when the kids volume has seemed to be at an all time high as they play, or fight or do whatever it is that fills their evenings, just very very loudly. I may have asked them to quiet down! or go in the other room! or please stop fighting! But I think even more disturbing than the loud noise, would have been complete silence. Chaos has become comforting in our lives of three kids. Today, more than ever, I am thankful for that chaos. Thankful for loud laughing voices. Thankful for running through the house. Thankful for that enormous mess that JJ makes every meal.

So, three times in the last 24 hours. Three kids - Madelyn Mae, Elyse Kathryn, and Jason Lee, Jr. - that I am thankful for. I am blessed, but I'm sure the parents of the other three would tell you the same thing.


  1. I hear you on this post. I am so thankful for Mary's little messes and noices and upsets because for many years I have longed for a child and now in my later years God blessed me beyond my wildest dreams and I am so happy for her!

  2. Elena, I can tell that Mary is a very loved little girl :)
